Connecting Communities: Ashley Conway's Mission at Jeffersontown High School

When Academy Coach Ashley Conway casually mentioned not having a place to display a student-made placard of the school mural, she unknowingly sparked a project that would embody the spirit of the Academies of Louisville at Jeffersontown High School. Students from the Computer-Aided Design pathway, hearing of Mrs. Conway's dilemma, collaborated with their welding teacher to design and craft a custom stand. This simple act showcased the student-driven, community-empowered approach that defines the Academies.

At the heart of this transformation at Jeffersontown stands Ashley Conway, a passionate educator whose journey from banking to teaching culminated in her role as Academy Coach. Her mission: to forge connections between students, educators, and the community, creating a vibrant ecosystem of learning and opportunity that prepares students for real-world success.

A Journey Back Home

Mrs. Conway's story begins in the halls of Jeffersontown High itself, where she graduated in 2005. Little did she know that her path would lead her back to these familiar corridors, this time as a catalyst for change. After graduating from the University of Louisville, Ashley initially pursued a career in banking. However, after teaching seminars on personal finance and financial literacy in some JCPS high schools, the allure of education and community service proved too strong to resist.

So Ashley began the transition from banking to teaching. She began by substituting at Saint Xavier High School while maintaining a part-time position at the bank. This dual role allowed her to blend her financial expertise with her growing passion for education. As she completed her master's degree, Ashley continued to straddle both worlds, working part-time at Fifth Third Bank until she began her student teaching. Fate, it seems, had a plan for Ashley. Her student teaching placement brought her back to Jeffersontown High, completing a full-circle journey that would set the stage for her future impact. 

I love to get to know my students by name and by need.
— Ashley Conway

Innovative Teaching Methods

In her first year as a full-time teacher at Jeffersontown High, Mrs. Conway taught Humanities and Theater—subjects that allowed her to showcase her innovative approach to education. "Education is all about risk. I'll try anything once. If it doesn't work, I won't do it again," she explains. This philosophy led to engaging, hands-on lessons that captivated students' imaginations. From creating cave paintings with natural materials to teaching Renaissance dancing (followed by Michael Jackson moves), Mrs. Conway's classes were a testament to her belief that engaged students are successful learners.

Envisioning Futures

Now in her eighth year as Academy Coach, Mrs. Conway describes her role with enthusiasm, calling it "the best job in the district." Her position is pivotal in bridging the gap between Jeffersontown High School and the broader community, creating valuable opportunities for students to explore diverse career paths.

"If you come to see me, it's because we're doing something fun," she says with a smile, referring to the various activities she organizes, from job shadows to college tours. These experiences are more than just field trips; they're windows into possible futures for her students.

As a first-generation college student herself, Mrs. Conway brings a unique and personal perspective to her role. "Growing up, I didn't know college was an option," she shares, recalling how a campus visit was the catalyst for her own higher education journey. This personal experience fuels her passion for exposing students to college campuses and workplaces. She firmly believes that putting students in these contexts is crucial, as it allows them to envision themselves in these environments in the future. For Mrs. Conway, these experiences are not just about career exploration—they're about expanding horizons and opening doors to possibilities her students might never have considered otherwise.

Fostering Diversity and Connection

Mrs. Conway is particularly passionate about promoting diversity in various fields—encouraging Black males in healthcare and women in engineering and welding. This commitment to diversity reflects her belief in creating opportunities for all students, regardless of their background. Simultaneously, Mrs. Conway recognizes the importance of strong community ties. "Our community rallies around JTown," she notes, emphasizing how vital it is for schools like hers to serve as community hubs. 

This dedication to community engagement is evident in her collaboration with the Jeffersontown Chamber of Commerce on redesigning the Gaslight Festival map, a project that garnered local media coverage and strengthened the school's local connections. Building on these community relationships, Mrs. Conway has fostered strong partnerships with local businesses. One of her proudest achievements is the partnership with Lantech, a local company that has been a critical ally from the beginning, sponsoring eight to ten students every year through various programs.

Building Strong Futures

As she looks to the future, Mrs. Conway remains dedicated to preparing students for life after graduation. "I love to get to know my students by name and by need," she says. Her pride in seeing students thrive—whether in traditional academic settings or vocational paths—drives her work. Through her efforts, Jeffersontown High has become more than just an educational institution; it's a nexus of community connection, a launchpad for future careers, and a place where students discover their potential. In Mrs. Conway's words, it's "the best kept secret in the community," but under her guidance, it's quickly becoming a beacon of educational innovation and community partnership.


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