From Classroom to Care: Addison Adkins’ Path through PRP’s Health Sciences Academy

Addison (Addi) Adkins is a certified nursing assistant (CNA), has worked in an immediate care center, has logged shifts in a nursing home…and she's not even in college yet. A recent graduate of Pleasure Ridge Park (PRP) High School, Addi's path through the Health Sciences Academy has not only equipped her with real-world skills but has also inspired her to pursue a career in nursing. With a full ride scholarship in store, Addi prepares to embark on her journey to the University of Louisville's nursing program.

A Stepping Stone to Nursing

Addi had an interest in healthcare from a young age. When she was young, her cousin had a brain tumor and was treated at St. Jude’s. Seeing health professionals who devote their lives to helping others, Addi realized that this was the path she wanted to follow. After she finished the Freshman Academy at PRP, entering the Health Sciences Academy was an easy decision.

“The Health Sciences Academy was a stepping stone to nursing,” Addi reflects. Through the Academy, Addi became a CNA, a pivotal milestone that solidified her commitment to the field. In the Health Sciences Academy, she learned not only the theory of anatomy and physiology, but she also acquired essential medical skills. In PRP’s health lab, which hosts life-size manikins and medical-grade equipment, she learned to change bedpans, perform brief changes, and conduct feedings.

Real-World Experience

The Health Sciences Academy took Addi outside of the school into the real world. One of the most impactful experiences for Addi was her time at Park Terrace Nursing Home, where she worked in the dementia care unit. "It was eye-opening," she says. During her three visits, she engaged in six-hour shifts, learning to change briefs and shower patients. She interacted with dementia patients and witnessed the unexpected challenges faced in healthcare settings.

In addition to her CNA certification, Addi works as a receptionist at Norton Audubon Immediate Care Center, a position she has held since August 2023. As a Norton Healthcare Scholar, she had the opportunity to intern as a receptionist or a patient care assistant (PCA). Due to an injury, she chose the receptionist role, where she has excelled.

Mentors and Friends

PRP’s Health Sciences Academy has also introduced Addi to inspiring teachers and mentors. Erin Ferguson, the HOSA Club Sponsor, was particularly influential. “She’s so kind and goes over material until we get it,” Addi notes. Mrs. Ferguson models the healthcare professional that Addi aspires to become, demonstrating how nurses can not only succeed in the field but also manage a work-life balance. As a HOSA officer for two years, Addi developed leadership skills through Mrs. Ferguson’s mentoring.

Another significant figure in Addi's journey is Deanna Hawks, PRP’s Academy Coach. "She’s amazing. She goes above and beyond and has given us so many opportunities," Addi praises. Under Mrs. Hawks' guidance, Addi served the school as an Academy Ambassador and made real-world connections with professionals in the field.

Throughout her journey, Addi embraced the community of the Health Sciences Academy. Her two best friends, also in the Health Sciences Academy, have shared all their classes, creating a strong bond. Influential teachers like Beth Shoulders and Jennifer Danzinger have also played a crucial role in her development.

A Bright Path Ahead

Addi graduated from PRP this May and is on her way to UofL in the fall as a Norton Healthcare Scholar. "I have 30 credits and plan to become an RN," she shares. Beyond the credits, she finds the real-world experiences she gained in the Health Sciences Academy invaluable. "I have gained so much knowledge about the field, and I believe I can apply it to my essays in college" Addi remarks. She expresses a desire to work in an emergency room (ER) or perhaps pediatric ER, pursuing an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) in the future. Wherever she lands, she wants to be hands-on serving patients. Her dedication, hands-on experience, and the unwavering support of her mentors have set her on a path to make a significant impact in the field of nursing.





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